Rotating Picture Displays

To order, please fill out the order form below, then send us your pictures as an email attachment either separately or in a zip file and send them to: ecatalogs2000@yahoo.com with E-CATALOGS PICTURES in the subject box. Please be sure to include any corresponding captions, prices, sizes or instructions along with the pictures. Any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Payment Information
The following payment types are acceptable:

  • Personal checks
  • Money orders
  • Cashier's checks ~ for international orders
  • Cash
  • PayPal
  • E-Gold, account #284367
  • OSGold, account #10019845

If you don't have a Paypal account and would like to sign up for their service, just click on the link below after you've filled out our order form. Their service is free, secure, & private, plus there are no charges to use it. Registration is quick and easy. All you have to do is give them our e-mail address (ecatalogs2000@yahoo.com) and the dollar amount you're sending us. Put "E-CATALOGS ORDER-PAYPAL" in the subject box when filling out their form. The money is charged to your credit card and sent to us.


If you prefer to use snail mail, please make check or money order payable to CJ Hedrick and mail it to the following address:

CJ Hedrick
17128 E. Colima Rd. #217
Hacienda Hgts, CA 91745

Order Form

Please fill out the form below including any applicable information needed for your order. Thank you.

Zip Code/Postal Code
E-Catalog Type/Product
Frame Type
Frame Size
File Size Restrictions?
Type Of Payment
Additional Info

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